1. H. W. NaroN: in 'Alloys for the eighties', (ed. R. Q. Barr), 185; 1981, New York, Climax Molybdenum.
2. H. NAKASUGI, H. MATSUDA, and H. TAMEHIRO: in 'Alloys for the eighties'. (ed. R. Q. Barr), 213; 1981. New York. Climax Molybdenum.
3. A. B. aurnwELL and R. J. COOKE: in 'Alloys for the eighties', (ed. R. Q. Barr), 171; 1981, New York, Climax Molybdenum.
4. M. E. MAYFIELD, W. A. MAXEY, and G. M. WILKOWSKI: in Proc. 6th Symp. 'Line pipe research', Houston, Tex. 1979, American Gas Association, paper F-I.
5. Ductile Fracture Propagation in Pipelines: Bursting Full-Scale Tests on 48″ and 56″ Diameter Pipes for Gas Transmission