1. W. Blejde, H. Fukase and R. Mahapatra, “Recent Developments in Project M — The Joint Development of Low Carbon Steel Casting by BHP and IHI”, International Conference on New Developments on Metallurgical Process Technology, METEC Congress, June 1999, pp. 176–181.
2. W. Blejde, R. Mahapatra and H. Fukase, “Application of Fundamental Research at Project M”, The Belton Memorial Symposium Proceedings, 2000, pp. 253–261.
3. Experimental Studies of Interfacial Heat Transfer and Initial Solidification Pertinent to Strip Casting.
4. L. Strezov, J. Herbertson and G.R. Belton, “Mechanisms of Initial Melt/Substrate Heat Transfer Peritinent to Strip Casting”, The Belton Memorial Symposium Proceedings, 2000, pp. 289–299.