1. N.J. Themelis and H. Kellogg, “Principles of Sulphide Smelting,” Advances in Sulphide Smelting — vol. I — Basic Principles, 1983, H.Y. Sohn, D.B. George and A.D. Zunkel, Eds., The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, U.S.A., pp. 1-29.
2. P.J. Mackey and A.E. Wraith, “The Origins of Bath Smelting I,” 1997, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K., Unpublished Manuscript.
3. R.A. Wagstaff, “Development of Gun-Feed Reverberatory Furnaces at Garfield Plant of American Smelting and Refining Company,” 1933, Trans. AIME, Vol. 106, (Copper Metallurgy Volume), pp. 99–103.
4. R.A. Wagstaff, “Changes and Improvements in Modern Copper Smelting,” Trans AIME, 1944, vol. 159 (Volume on Reduction and Refining of Non-Ferrous Metals), pp. 11–19.