1. RANDOLPH, P.J. (1979) 'The West Australian Aboriginal Sites Register', in McKinley, J.R. & K.L. Jones (Eds) Archaeological Resource Management in Australia and Oceania, New Zealand Historic Places Trust, Wellington.
2. AUSTIN, R. (1855) urnal of an Expedition Sent by the Governnent to Explore the Interior of W0A0, North and East of the Settl-• bistricts for Extersive Tracts of Fertile Land Availa,le for istorai and Agricultural Fu pes-s, Government Printer, Perth.
3. HORDES, F. et al (1983) 'Walga Rock and BillibilongSpring: Two Archaeological Sequences from the Murchison Basin, Western Australia' Australian Archaeolo:y (17) pp 1–26, Australian National University, Canberra.