Validation of a Falcon Model with a Synthetic Ore


Laplante A. R.,Nickoletopoulos N.


Informa UK Limited


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Metals and Alloys

Reference10 articles.

1. S. McAllister, Case Studies in the Use of the Falcon Gravity Con-centrator, in Proc. of 24th Ann. Canadian Mineral Processors Conf, Ottawa, Jan. 1992, Paper 11, pp. 20.

2. A. R. Laplante, M. Buonvino, A. Veltmayer, J. Robitaille and G. Naud, A Study of the Falcon Concentrator, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 33 (4), 279-288 (Nov.—Dec. 1994).

3. A. R. Laplante, L. Huang, H. Harris, The Use of a Synthetic Feed to Study the Knelson Concentrator, subm. to the Instn. Min. Metall. (C), London.

4. A. R. Laplante, L. Huang, M. Noaparast and N. Nickoletopoulos, A philosopher's stone: Turning lead and tungsten into gold — The use of synthetic ores to study gold gravity separation, in Proc. of 27' Ann. Canadian Mineral Processors Conf, Ottawa, Jan. 1995, Paper 28, pp. 379-394.

5. S. Banisi, A. R. Laplante, J. Marois, A Study of the Behaviour of Gold in Industrial and Laboratory Grinding, CIM Bull. 1991, Nov. 72-78.

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