1. J. Parkinson,Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris(London, 1629), 3. A version of some of the material relating to the Temple archive has recently been published by the author in Jill Francis, ‘‘My Little Gardine at Dassett Paled’: Sir Thomas Temple and his Garden at Burton Dassett in Warwickshire,c. 1630’,Garden Hist., 41:1 (2013), 21–30.
2. Parkinson,Paradisi in Sole, 3, 8.
3. California, Huntington Library (hereafter HL), Temple Family Papers.
4. HL, Temple MSS, STT CL&I Box 1, Inventory 16th October 1624: ‘A Booke of Sundry Parcells of Household Stuff Beddinge, Victuals, etc. Leaft by Sir Thomas and the Lady Temple at Stow when Sir Peter Began Housekeeping There, & Sr Thomas Departed Thence’.
5. HL, Temple MSS, STT2308-2337; STT2143-2155; STT2276-2302: the majority of these letters written by Sir Thomas Temple between 1629 and 1634 were sent from either Wolverton or Burton Dassett.