1. Silver Jubilee review: 25 years of research in atmospheric corrosion
2. J. M. COSTA, M. MORCILLO, and S. FELIU: in 'Encyclopedia of environmental control technology', (ed.P. N. Cheremisinoff), Vol. 2, 'Air pollution control', 197; 1989, Houston, TX, Gulf.
3. J. M. COSTA, A. ESTAPE, E. NHBO, and M. VILARRASA: Proc. II Jornades sobre Corrosió i Medi Ambiente, Barcelona, Spain, May1986, 161 and 281.
4. J. M. COSTA and M. VILARRASA: Proc. 10th Int. Cong. on Metallic Corrosion, Madras, India, November 1987, CERI, Vol. 1, 35.