Land Rights under Stress in Darfur: A Volatile Dynamic of the Conflict


Abdul-Jalil Musa,Unruh Jon D


Informa UK Limited



Reference57 articles.

1. E.g. J. Flint and A. de Waal,Darfur. A New History of a Long War(London and New York: Zed Books and the International African Institute, 2008); M. Abdul-Jalil, ‘Land Tenure, Land Use and Inter-Ethnic Conflict in Darfur’, inUnderstanding the Crisis in Darfur: Listening to Sudanese Voices, ed. by A. Ahmed and L. Manger (Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen, 2007); O. Suiliman,The Darfur Conflict: Geography or Institutions?(New York: Routledge Press, 2011); Concordis,Land Use and Tenure: A Key to Sustainable Peace in Darfur(Cambridge: Concordis Papers, 2007).

2. Initially the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), but now splintered into several configurations.

3. Flint and De Waal; J. Flint,Beyond the Janjaweed: Understanding the Militias of Darfur, The Small Arms Survey (Geneva: Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2009); N. G. Jesse and K. P. Williams,Ethnic Conflict: A Systematic Approach to Cases of Conflict(Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 2010); R. O’Fahey,The Darfur Sultanate: A History(New York: Columbia University Press, 2008), p. 136; O. Olsson and E. Siba, ‘Ethnic Cleansing or Resource Struggle in Darfur? An Empirical Analysis’, Working papers in Economics No. 417 (University of Gothenburg, 2010); O. Olsson, ‘After Janjaweed? Socio-economic Impacts of the Conflict in Darfur’,World Bank Economic Review, 24·3 (2010), 386–411, notes the correlation between secondary occupation of emptied lands, and good soils, proximity to water, and distance from administrative centres in a sample of 512 villages in south-west Darfur, indicating empirically that obtaining good lands far from a monitoring capacity was a primary pattern in the conflict.

4. Flint and De Waal.

5. For example, see S. Cohen,The Politics of Planting: Israeli-Palestinian Competition for Control of Land in the Jerusalem Periphery(University of Chicago Press, 1993); J. Clover, ‘Land Reform in Angola; Establishing the Ground Rules’, inFrom the Ground Up; Land Rights, Conflict and Peace in Sub-Saharan Africa, ed. by C. Huggins and J. Clover, African Centre for Technology Studies and the Institute for Security Studies (2005); J. Unruh, ‘Land Rights in Postwar Liberia: The Volatile Part of the Peace Process’,Land Use Policy, 26 (2009), 425–33; L. Wiley,Land Rights in Crisis: Restoring Tenure Security in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (Kabul, 2003).







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