Urban Heritage: Putting the Past into the Future


Veldpaus Loes,Pereira Roders Ana R,Colenbrander Bernard J F


Informa UK Limited



Reference75 articles.

1. Jukka Jokilehto, ‘International Trends in Historic Preservation: From Ancient Monuments to Living Cultures’, inAPT Bulletin, 29·3/4 (1998), 17–19; Graham Fairclough, Rodney Harrison, John Schofield, and John H. Jameson,The Heritage Reader(London and New York: Routledge, 2008); and Jeremy Whitehand, ‘Issues in Urban Morphology’,Urban Morphology, 16·1 (2012), 55–65.

2. Jukka Jokilehto, ‘International Charters on Urban Conservation: Some Thoughts on the Principles Expressed in Current International Doctrine’,City & Time, 3·3 (2007), 23–42; Faircloughet al.; Randall Mason, ‘Be Interested and Beware: Joining Economic Valuation and Heritage Conservation’,International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14·4 (2008), 303–18; United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),36 C/23 Proposals Concerning the Desirability of a Standard-setting Instrument on Historic Urban Landscapes(Paris: UNESCO, 18 August 2011), including the ‘Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape’, as adopted on 27 May 2011 at the Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts on the Historic Urban Landscape; and Francesco Bandarin and Ron van Oers,The Historic Urban Landscape: Managing Heritage in an Urban Century(Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).

3. UNESCO,Proposals; Bandarin and van Oers.

4. Dolores Hayden,The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History(Cambridge, Mass., and London, United Kingdom: the MIT Press, 1997); Jokilehto, ‘International Trends’; Françoise Choay,The Invention of the Historic Monument(New York: Cambridge University, 2001); Marta de la Torre and Getty Conservation Institute,Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage: Research Report(Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2003); Michael Turnpenny, ‘Cultural Heritage, an Ill-defined Concept? A Call for Joined-up Policy’,International Journal of Heritage Studies, 10·3 (2004), 295–307; Adelino Gonçalves, ‘Which Urban Plan for an Urban Heritage? An Overview of Recent Portuguese Practice on Integrated Conservation’,City & Time, 3·2 (2007), 67–79; Dennis Rodwell,Conservation and Sustainability in Historic Cities(Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2007); Faircloughet al.; Tom Bloemers, Henk Kars, and Arnold van der Valk,The Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological-Historical Landscape and its European Dimension, Landscape & Heritage Series (Amsterdam University Press, 2011); Jukka Jokilehto, ‘Notes on the Definition and Safeguarding of Historic Urban Landscapes’,City & Time, 4·3 (2009), 41–51; Ron van Oers, Sachiko Haraguchi, World Heritage Centre, and Historic Urban Landscape Initiative,Gérer les villes historiques (Managing Historic Cities) (Paris: UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2010); John H. Stubbs and Emily G. Makaš,Architectural Conservation in Europe and the Americas: National Experiences and Practice(Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2011); and Bandarin and van Oers.

5. Council of Europe,The European Landscape Convention, CETS No. 176 (Florence: Council of Europe, 20 October 2000).








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