1. V. Arregui, A. R. Gordon and G. Steintveit, The jarosite process-past, present and future, in Lead-Zinc-Tin '80 (edited by J. M. Cigan, T. S. Mackey and T. J. O'Keefe) pp. 97-123. TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA (1979).
2. J. E. Dutrizac, Jarosite-type compounds and their application in the metallurgical industry, in Hydrontetallurgy Research, Develop-ment and Plant Practice (edited by K. Osseo-Asare and J. D. Miller) pp. 531-551. TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA (1982).
3. G. E. Atwood and R. W. Livingston, The CLEAR process-a Duval Corporation development, paper presented at the Annual Conference of Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhutten und Bergleute, Berlin, September 26-29, 1979.
4. P. D. Bowerman, T. W. Clapper and W. G. Laughlin, Manufacture of manganous sulphate solutions, U.S. Patent 4,489,043, Dec. 18, 1984.