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2. I. Tincul, D. J. Joubert and A. H. Potgieter: 'Polypropylene 99', 8th Annual World Congress, Zürich, September 1999, IX.3.1.
3. L. Halász, O. Vorster, I. Masalova, I. Tincul and A. H. Potgieter: Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Yokohama, June 1998, 281.
4. L. Halász, O. Voster, K. Belina, I. Tincul and A. H. Potgieter: IUPAC Macro 98, World Polymer Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July 1998, 879.
5. L. Halász, O. Voster, K. Belina, I. Tincul and A. H. Potgieter: PPS-16, Sanghai, June 2000, 40–41.