1. F. S. PETIT and G. W. COWARD: in ‘Coatings for high temperature applications’, (ed. E. Lang), 341-359; 1983, New York, Applied Science.
2. R. A. MILLER: in ‘High temperature protective coatings’, 293–304; 1982, Warrendale, PA, Metallurgical Society of AIME.
3. S. K. LAU and R. J. BRATTON: in ‘High temperature protective coatings’, 305–318; 1983, Warrendale, PA, Metallurgical Society of AIME.
4. H. BHAT, H. HERMAN, and R. J. COYLE: in ‘High temperature protective coatings’, 37–50; 1983, Warrendale, PA, Metal-lurgical Society of AIME.
5. Advances In Laser Cladding Process Technology