1. King, A.T., J. Soc. Dyers Colourists, 1930, 46, 225;
2. Goodall, F.L., J. Soc. Dyers Colourists, 1932, 48. 118
3. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, “The Investigation of Atmospheric Pollution,” 31st report, London: H.M.S.O. 1960.
4. For reviews, see (a) Salvin, V.S., Paist, W.D., and Myles, W.J., An Dyestuff Reptr. 1952, 41, p297; (b) Eisele, J., and Federkiel, W., Melliand Tcxtilber 1953, 34, 145, 224.
5. wood, J.W., and Davey, W.J.G., Institution of Gas Engineers. Comm.No. 36 1931.