1. Childs J 1987,The British Army of William III, 1689–1702. Manchester: Manchester University Press, p. 103.
2. Blackmore H. 1999,Dictionary of London Gunmakers Supplement 1350–1850. Bloomfield: Museum Restoration Service, p. 16.
3. Bailey DW. 1999, British Board of Ordnance Small Arms Contractors 1689–1840.North Wales: W S Curtis, p. 75.
4. see Bailey 1999, p. 78–79. It was not unusual for as many as 150 different makers to be involved in the completion of an Ordnance contract, each maker received only a small percentage of the total, usually less than 100 arms each, see Bailey, D. W. 1988,The Board of Ordnance and Small Arms Supply:The Ordnance System 1714–1783. PhD Thesis, Kings College University of London, pp. 23–33, discussing the pre-Georgian years of Ordnance supply.
5. see Blackmore 1999, p. 22. Also The Gun Makers Company Court Minute book for 1691–1704, Guildhall Library MS 5220/6 includes a list on page 199 of ‘The names of the Shopkeepers of the Company of Gunmakers London 1702 as they are in Seniority for the Tower work’. This is on the reverse of the page recording the death of William III