1. Manchester Dental Hospital, Bridgeford Street, Manchester
A study was undertaken to assess the views of recent graduates on the undergraduate orthodontic curriculum. The opinions of dental graduates qualified since 1968 from The Welsh National School of Medicine, the University of Birmingham and the University of London were acquired by postal questionnaire. The three samples were in close agreement in the majority of data supplied. A close relationship existed with Central Government figures, where these were available. General Dental Practitioners were found to treat a small and diminishing proportion of the orthodontic case load in the General Dental Services. The Advice Service has a limited application. Consultants acquire small numbers of patients from many sources, whilst practitioners limited to orthodontics receive larger numbers of patients from fewer sources. The undergraduate course was considered to be too short and lacking emphasis on complex therapy. Chairside, small group teaching on a greater variety of cases might improve diagnostic ability at the expense of a reduced individual case load.
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11 articles.