1. Fusion
2. Materials needs for fusion, Generation IV fission reactors and spallation neutron sources – similarities and differences
3. Transmutation and Phase Stability of Tungsten Armor in Fusion Power Plants
4. Norajitra P, Bühler L, Buenaventura A, Diegele E, Fischer U, Gordeey S, Hutter E, Kruessmann R, Malang S, Orden A, Reimann G, Reimann J, Vieider G, Ward D, Wasastjerna F: ‘Conceptual design of the dual-coolant blanket within the framework of the EU power plant conceptual study (TW2-TRP-PPCS12)’, Final report, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2003.
5. Conceptual design of the dual-coolant blanket in the frame of the EU power plant conceptual study