1. W. A. Maxey, 5th Symposium of Line Pipe Research, American Gas Association, Catalogue No. L30174(1974).
2. W. A. Poynton, in Crack Propagation in Pipelines (published by the Institute of Gas Engineers), Newcastle upon Tyne(1974).
3. J. A. Dick, P. Mck Jamieson and E. F. Walker, in Crack Propagation in Pipelines (published by the Institute of Gas Engineers), Newcastle Upon Tyne(1974).
4. W. A. Maxey, J. F. Kiefner and R. J. Eiber, American Gas Association Catalogue, No. L32176(1976).
5. AISI Committee of Large-Diameter Line Pipe Producers, Subcommittee Summary Report.(1974).