1. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Final Environmental Statement on the Transportation of Radioactive Material by Air and Other Modes. NUREG-0170 (US NRC, Washington, DC) (1977).
2. Taylor, J. M. and Daniel, S. L. RADTRAN II: A Revised Computer Code to Analyze Transportation of Radioactive Material. SAND80-1943 (Sandia National Laboratories, NM) (1982).
3. Madsen, M. M., Taylor, J. M., Ostmeyer, R. O. and Reardon, P. C. RADTRAN III. SAND84-0036 (Sandia National Labora-tories, Albuquerque, NM) (1986).
4. Neuhauser, K. S. and Kanipe, F. L. RADTRAN 4: Volume 3, User Guide. SAND89-2370, TTC-0943 (Sandia National Labora-tories, Albuquerque, NM) (1992).
5. Lang, F. Personal communication (1990).