1. J. E. Dutrizac and A. J. Monhemius, Iron Control in Hydro-metallurgy. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, U.K. (1986).
2. A. J. Monhemius, Topics in Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy(edited by A. R. Burkin), pp. 104-130. Blackwell Scientific, London, U.K.(1980).
3. J. E. Dutrizac, Crystallization and Precipitation (edited by G. L. Strathdee, M. O. Klein and L. A. Melis),pp. 259-283. Pergamon Press, Toronto(1987).
4. V. Arvegni, A. R. Gordon and G. Steintreit, Lead-Zinc-Tin '80 (edited by J. M. Cigan, T. S. Mackey and T. J. O'Keefe),pp. 97-123. TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA(1979).
5. A. Von Röpenack, Iron Control in Hydrometallurgy(edited by J. E. Dutrizac and A. J. Monhemius), pp. 730-741. Ellis Hor-wood, Chichester, U.K.(1986).