1. M. Hodgson and G. E. Agar, An electrochemical investigation into the natural flotability of pyrrhotite, in Electrochemistry in Mineral . and Metal Processing (edited by P. E. Richardson, S. Srinivasan and R. Woods), Electrochem. Soc., Pennington (1984).
2. M. Hodgson and G. E. Agar, Electrochemical and flotation on pyrrhotite and pentlandite, 114th Meeting AIME, New York (1985).
3. An investigation of the deposition and reactions of sulphur on gold electrodes
4. An investigation of surface oxidation of pyrite and pyrrhotite by linear potential sweep voltammetry
5. G. W. Heyes and W. J. Trahar, The flotation of pyrite and pyrrhot-ite in the absence of conventional collectors, in Electrochemistry in Mineral and Metal Processing (edited by P. E. Richardson, S. Srinivasan and R. Woods), Electrochem. Soc., Pennington (1984).