A importância da liderança na gestão escolar: um estudo no <i>Campus</i> Avançado de Maricá do Instituto Federal Fluminense


Silva Antônio CarlosORCID,Correia Neto Severino JoaquimORCID


This work comes from the dissertation presented to the Postgraduate Program in Technical and Vocational Education and Training at the IFFluminense. The objective was to analyze the perception of the management staff of the Maricá Advanced Campus of IFFluminense regarding the topic of leadership in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The population studied was 09 (nine) employees and the research took place in the second half of 2023. The study methodology was developed through bibliographical descriptive research, of qualitative nature. A field research was also carried out, using a printed questionnaire as a data collection instrument, containing structured and semi-structured questions. In carrying out the analysis of the semi-structured responses of the questionnaire, the content analysis procedure was used. The   results showed that the managers who participated in the study understand leadership as an attitude, a skill or a capacity. Based on the participants' responses, it was possible to identify some important factors: contributions from leadership to improve school management and contributions from the association between leadership and school management to improving teaching in TVET.  


Essentia Editora

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