A verticalização na educação profissional técnica e tecnológica, nos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia: entre conceitos e práticas


Coelho Suzany CamposORCID


This article addresses the proposal of verticalization of teaching, characteristic of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology. The objective was to discuss conceptual and practical aspects related to this curricular conception. This is an exploratory study, based on bibliographical sources, carried out within the scope of the elaboration of our master's research. Initially, a history of Brazilian educational policies related to vocational education is discussed. Next, the history related to the emergence of the Federal Institutes is presented, showing that the philosophical-educational foundation present in the IF's proposes to overcome the traditionally cultivated dichotomy between technical training X academic training. Finally, some of the challenges found regarding the issue of verticalization are pointed out, approaching the conceptual view, and bringing reflective insights into the meaning of the proposed verticalization of teaching, showing that this is not restricted to the simple availability of the possibility of attending the various stages training courses, in multiple areas, in a single institution.


Essentia Editora

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