1. National Center for Maternal and Child Welfare, Bishkek
2. National Center for Maternal and Child Welfare, Bishkek
3. National Center for Maternal and Child Welfare
The clinical features of articular syndrome and extra-articular manifestations in children with Reiter’s syndrome (illness) were studied. Reiter’s syndrome in childhood has some features of the course and development of the disease. In childhood, asymmetry of lesions of the joints of the lower extremities with early involvement of small feet joints in the process, possible flushing of the skin over the affected joints, intense pain, rare involvement in the process of the hip joints, lumbar spine and unilateral sacroiliitis is characteristic. Extraarticular manifestations proceeded often erased, and sometimes were not determined at all. Relapses and a chronic course are not excluded.
Publishing Center Science and Practice
Reference20 articles.
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