1. Perm State University
2. Forest Institute of the NAS of Belarus
The studied trees of coniferous plant species are characterized by high rates of genetic diversity (P. sylvestris: P95 — 0,914; na — 1.914; ne — 1.356; HE — 0.230; I — 0.369; L. sibirica: P95 — 0.988; na — 1.989; ne — 1.272; HE — 0.192; I — 0.327). The 7 acids were found in samples of Scots pine resin, and 4 acids were found in samples of Siberian larch resin, among them abietic and dehydroabietic acids. The content of abietic acid in samples of Scots pine varied from 3.78% to 13.69%, and dehydroabietic acid — from 10.26% to 33.80%. In Siberian larch, the content of abietic acid is higher (from 5.07% to 29.85%), and dehydroabietic acid is lower (from 1.49% to 8.18%). A correlation was found between the genetic diversity of the studied samples of Scots pine and Siberian larch and the content of abietic and dehydroabietic acids in them.
Publishing Center Science and Practice