Research of the Wear Rate of Elements of the Flow Part of Centrifugal and Axial Pumping Units


Uralov B.ORCID,Vatin N.ORCID,Khakimova G.ORCID,Kayumov J.,Nishanova S.ORCID,Kayumov A.ORCID,Arzieva D.


The paper presents the results of a theoretical and experimental study of the wear rate of the elements of the flow part of centrifugal and axial pumps. Theoretical formulas recommended by various authors, obtained for models with flat samples based on energy theory, do not take into account the features of hydraulic machines. Considering the movement of solid particles in the inter-blade channels of the impellers of centrifugal and axial pumps, calculation schemes were chosen that correspond to the hydraulic and physical wear processes. The analysis shows that the influence of centrifugal and inertial forces in the inter-blade channel of the impellers of centrifugal and axial pumps causes separation and redistribution of solid particles in the flow. As a result, in centrifugal pumps in the end part of the blade and axial pumps in the end gap of the impeller, the local concentration of solid particles increases compared to the average. The work also provides dependencies for calculating the intensity of water-abrasive wear of pump working parts.


Publishing Center Science and Practice

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