Integral equations, the main branch of mathematics, are widely used in physics, engineering, mechanics, control theory and other fields. Related to the application of integral equations, new fields are developing, such as economics, some sections of biology, etc. The theory of integral equations mainly developed in the late nineteenth-early twentieth century, starting with Vito Volterra (1982, 1986), Eric Ivar Fredholm (2010), David Hilbert, Erhard Schmidt, etc. scientists began to study it. Nevertheless, within the framework of mathematical concepts that existed before the first half of the twentieth century, such problems were considered incorrect because a small change in the given functions led to a greater change in the desired functions. The Volterra equation of the first kind is an integral equation that has an exact solution only in some cases. The limit of integration has been carried out in very small quantities on non-classical linear and nonlinear integral equations with variable limits and the construction of solutions in these works is based on numerical methods. Therefore, for the so-called non-classical Volterra integral equations, it is relevant to determine the conditions that ensure the uniqueness and regularization of their solutions. In this paper, the uniqueness of the solution of the non-classical nonlinear integral Volterra equation of the first kind is resolved. The aim of the study is to solve the non-classical Volterra integral equation of the first kind, that is, to determine the conditions that ensure the uniqueness of the solution of the nonlinear non-classical Volterra integral equation of the first kind. The proposed methods can be used for the study of integral, integral-differential equations such as the Volterra integral equation of the first kind, as well as for the qualitative study of some applied processes in physics, ecology, medicine, geophysics, and the theory of control of complex systems.
Publishing Center Science and Practice
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