Quantitative Indicators of Microorganisms in Alluvial Soils of Natural Biotopes on the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus


Mamedzadeh V.1


1. Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Azerbaijan NAS


This article discusses the results of studies on the microbiology of alluvial soils on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. The first information on the number of microorganisms in alluvial soils of natural biotopes is presented. The changes are associated with alluvial (river) sediments of the Shinchay River; the riverbed and above-floodplain terrace are compared. The analysis of soils of meadow-herbaceous (gramineous) and undersized shrubs (wild rose, blackberry, tamarix) vegetation is presented. Differences were revealed in quantitative indicators and the percentage ratio of individual groups of microbiota biotopes. In conclusion, it is concluded that the alluvial deposits of Shinchai in the 0–30 cm soil layer contain 3119.23 thousand/g microorganisms, and in soil samples taken from the above-floodplain terrace in a similar 0–30 cm layer — 4406.53 thousand/g.


Publishing Center Science and Practice


General Medicine

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