Distribution of the Fascioliasis’s pathogens (Fasciola hepatica L.) in territories of Absheron and adjacent Khizi district of Azerbaijan Republic in zones


Agayeva A.1


1. Sumgait State University


Despite the presence of some information about the study of fascioliasis in the Absheron region (Absheron Peninsula and the Khizi district), where private farms are widely developed, until recent years this problem has remained virtually unexplored. And the studies conducted 40–50 years ago are historically outdated and do not provide a complete picture of the current economic system. Taking all this into account, by applying appropriate methods, the extensiveness and intensity of the spread of fascioliasis (Fasciola hepatica L.) in different villages and settlements of the Absheron region, as well as along various altitude belts, were determined. As a result of the research it was found that the greatest prevalence of the extensiveness of this parasite in various villages and towns fell on the following territories: Gyzyldere village — 33.9%, Altagach village — 30.2%, Tudar village — 29.2%. Also, as a result of the research, it was found that infection is highest in the lowland zone (31.4%). And this is closely related to the environmental impact of biotic and abiotic factors in that zone. The results of the study are reflected in the tables and charts.


Publishing Center Science and Practice


General Medicine

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