Modern Diagnostic Approaches and Management Tactics for Patients with Chronic Colonic Stasis in Decompensated Forms of Colon Dysfunction


Aitmoldin B.ORCID,Rustemova K.ORCID,Mamakeev K.,Kabduaisova A.,Gadylbekov A.


Today, colonic stasis is a significant medical and social problem worldwide. According to research by a number of authors, in developed countries, constipation affects to varying degrees from 30 to 50% of the working-age population and from 5 to 20% of children. Constipation occurs 5 times more often in the elderly than in young people. The etiology of chronic colonic stasis is diverse: from functional disorders of gastrointestinal motility to intestinal abnormalities, in some cases leading to disability and a significant decrease in the quality of life of patients. Prolonged, sometimes unsuccessful, medical treatment of chronic colonic stasis ultimately raises the question of the need for surgical intervention. The purpose of this review was to study and summarize the results and experience of researchers over the past 10 years devoted to the search for the most effective methods of surgical treatment of chronic colonic stasis in decompensated form of colon dysfunction (including dolichosigmoid) in combination with drug therapy. The search for information for the review was carried out on the following resources: PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, Springer, ScienceDirect, journals of the CIS countries and the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Publishing Center Science and Practice

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