Pathophysiological Relationships of Neuroendocrine Immune Systems in Thyroid Diseases


Kanaev R.,Kudaibergenova M.


Pathophysiological relationships of neuroendocrine immune systems in diseases of the thyroid gland. Signs of damage to the nervous system occupy a prominent place in the clinical manifestations of thyroid diseases. Sometimes they come to the fore, significantly complicating the diagnosis of the disease. They especially often experience asthenic syndrome, which consists of mental and physical asthenia, autonomic disorders, and sleep disturbances. Sometimes somatovegetative disorders predominate in these patients: palpitations, heart pain, shortness of breath, sweating, chills. It is well known that depression negatively affects general and somatic status. A syndrome of secondary immunological deficiency is formed. The pathogenetic basis for the mutual conditionality of these conditions are the mechanisms of neuroendocrine-immune interaction, which form a functional system consisting of a physiological and pathological basis. Clinical signs of the disease, the content of thyroid hormones, immune status, determination of autonomic tone, autonomic reactivity and autonomic support of activity were used. 75 patients were examined, and it was found that the disturbance of the neuroendocrine immune system depended on the functional activity of the thyroid gland.


Publishing Center Science and Practice

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