The Study Level of the Goitered Gazelle (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) in Azerbaijan


Sarukhanova S.1ORCID


1. Baku State University


The Goitered gazelle is the only representative of true antelopes’ subfamily in the Caucasus. It was widely distributed in semi-desert plains and mountain foothills of the country. By the mid XX century the number of gazelles in Azerbaijan declined catastrophically and was about to be extinct. By common efforts of state and international conservation organizations it was possible to significantly restore the historical range and the number of gazelle population in the country. The Goitered gazelle is one of the priority species and much attention paid to its conservation and restoration in Azerbaijan. But the ecology of this species is still not studied properly. The article is devoted to a brief overview of the main literary sources concerning various population aspects of gazelle and the level of their study in Azerbaijan.


Publishing Center Science and Practice


General Medicine

Reference64 articles.

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