1. Azerbaijan Veterinary Scientific Research Institute
Of the helminths detected during these studies, the intensity of the invasions with Ascaridia galli in the Aran region, Heterakis gallinarum — on the Absheron, Syngamus trachea, Capillaria obsignata — in Lankaran-Astara, Raillietina tetragona — in Kuba-Khachmaz, and on the basis of studies carried out during autopsy of carcasses the intensity of invasions with heterakises, railietins in the Aran region, Ascaridia in Kuba-Khachmaz, and with singamuses and capillaries in Lankaran-Astara was high. Along with the fact that in the summer period there was observed high extensiveness and intensity of invasions among the studies carried out by seasons of the year, the prevalence of Ascaridia, heterakises, singamuses in Sheki-Zagatala region, railietins in Kuba-Khachmaz, and capillaries in Lankaran–Astara in comparison with other regions was high. The intensity of the invasions with Ascaridia in Kuba-Khachmaz, heterakises, singamuses, railietins, and capillaries in Aran came up to a high level.
Publishing Center Science and Practice
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