Découverte de Mimumesa wuestneii (Faester, 1951) dans la réserve naturelle nationale du Lac de Grand-Lieu (France, Loire-Atlantique), un site riche en Psenidae (Hymenoptera : Psenidae)


Herbrecht Franck1ORCID


1. Groupe d'Étude des Invertébrés armoricains, Nort-sur-Erdre, France


Discovery of Mimumesa wuestneii (Faester, 1951) in the national nature reserve of Lac de Grand-Lieu (Loire-Atlantique, France), a site rich in Psenidae (Hymenoptera: Psenidae). - Mimumesa wuestneii (Faester, 1951), a rare species associated with reed beds, is recorded in France for the first time, in a site which has also been found to be rich in Psenidae (Hymenoptera).


Observatoire des Abeilles


General Materials Science

Reference15 articles.

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