
Malahanov Aleksey1,Medvedev Dmitriy2


1. Bryanskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet

2. Bryansk State Technical University


The results of device-technological modelling of static current-voltage characteristics (CVC), as well as the dependences of differential resistance and power dissipation for the structure of a silicon carbide Schottky diode in Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD are presented. As a result of the research and modelling, the design and technological parameters of the Schottky diode are selected, on the basis of which the current-voltage characteristics are obtained, comparable with the specified accuracy with the physical experiment (the anode current is not less than 100 A, the breakdown voltage is not less than 1400 V at a temperature of 77 K). Verifying the static characteristics of the Schottky diode obtained by the instrumental-technological modelling is carried out by comparing the results of a computational experiment with a physical study of the Cree C4D20120D diode for a temperature range from 300 K to 77 K. The novelty of the work lies in developing an instrument-technological model (ITM) of a semiconductor device that takes into consideration a crystal self-heating effect; obtaining results reflecting the characteristics of a semiconductor device in the normal and extreme temperature operating conditions; in obtaining dependences reflecting the change in differential resistance and power dissipation; in having the possibility to use the results of the developed ITM for the industrial implementation of the silicon carbide Schottky diode at Russian enterprises in the form of discrete semiconductor devices, or elements as part of semiconductor power modules.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Medicine

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