1. Volzhskiy politehnicheskiy institut (filial) FGBOU VO «Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet»
2. OAO «EPK Volzhskiy»
In a production environment of JSC UPC Volzhsky it is shown how to increase the vibration discharge of bearings with conical rollers due to the use of rollers with the specified microgeometric parameters of the spherical surface made in the general production flow. The sphere is formed under the combination of rough grinding, finish grinding and final grinding using an assembled abrasive tool consisting of three rolls of various characteristics. It was found that in a bearing, with sequential replacement of rollers, where sphere roughness varies in the range of 0.10 Ra ≤ 0,.20 microns for rollers with roughness Ra ≤ 0,10 microns, the average value of the microgeometric parameters of the roller sphere in bearings (Ra, undulation W, deviation of circularity Δ) decreases by 2,4 – 4,3 times. The impact assessment of bearing rollers set having different parameters of the microgeometry of the spherical roller end on the sound pressure and vibration of the bearing was carried out. It was found that with an increase in the number of rollers with microgeometric parameters of the sphere closer to the lower edge of the tolerance field, the values of the overall vibration level, the vibration level in the third frequency band and the sound pressure level of the bearing improved. A statistical analysis of these parameters was carried out. The significance of the analyzed factors and conditions for increasing the vibration discharge of the bearing while ensuring processing modes within the framework of the current technological process are determined. Correlation and functional relationships between the average values of the microgeometric parameters of rollers spheres in bearings and the parameters of sound pressure and vibration were found.
Bryansk State Technical University BSTU
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