Influence of the toroidal cutter kinematics on elastic state of the machine parts surface bed


Zaides Semen1,Nguyen Huu2


1. Irkutsk State Technical University

2. Irkutsk National Research Technical University


An approach to taut state increasing within elastic-plastic deformation zone in the process of surface plastic deformation has been viewed. The technical idea of solving the problem is based on the study of workplace tool kinematics. A new hard-ening process based on the workplace tool circular oscillation is proposed. To prove the effectiveness of the new workplace tool kinematics, finite element modeling has been, which helped to determine an elastic state in the deformation zone. It is found that the oscillate rotation of the work roll is much more efficient comparing to static sliding both in the taut state and distorted condition of the hardened layer


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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