Visualizing the Process of Forming a Shock Pulse in the Deformation Zone


Киричек Андрей,Kirichek Andrey,Баринов Сергей1,Barinov Sergey2,Рыжкова Мария3,Ryzhkova Maria3,Яшин Александр1,Yashin Aleksandr2


1. Муромский институт (филиал) Владимирского государственного университета им. А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых

2. Muromskiy institut (filial) Vladimirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.G. i N.G. Stoletovyh



The article raises the problem of visualizing fleeting processes occurring as a result of wave strain hardening (WSH). The features of this method are unique capabilities for controlling the parameters of the shock pulse. This allows, in contrast to other dynamic methods of the surface plastic deformation, forming the desired microhardness distribution diagram in the surface layer at a depth of 6- 8 mm, while ensuring the required uniformity of hardening. The need to visualize this method is explained by the complexity of the analytical description of the ongoing wave processes in the shock system and the loading medium. Developing a visualization technique based on a model of the process of wave strain hardening consists of several stages. The stages include setting the initial and boundary conditions of the simulated elements, their physical-mechanical properties, loading conditions, the type of the mesh, the process conditions. The created model allows you to visually track the shock pulse movement after the striker hits the statically pressed waveguide against the loading medium, and at the same time to see the generation of the reflected deformation wave (the tail of the shock pulse) and its effect on the shock system elements and the loading medium. The results will make it possible to develop shock systems with the highest efficiency.


Bryansk State Technical University

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