Implementation of the Radiosity Algorithm for Large Scale Scenes


Щербаков Александр12,Shcherbakov Alexander12,Фролов Владимир3,Frolov Vladimir4


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Gaijin Entertainment

3. Институт прикладной математики имени М.В. Келдыша РАН

4. Institut prikladnoy matematiki imeni M.V. Keldysha RAN


We propose an upgrade for the Radiosity algorithm that allows to efficiently apply radiosity for large scale scenes. This is achieved by considering only the patches located close to the observer. For each frame we update local form-factor matrix with a little set of patches, effectively reusing information from the previous frame in this way. Our method is completely expressed via matrix-vector operations, thus, it’s GPU implementation is natural and straightforward. We achieve high occupancy for both CPU and GPU versions of the algorithm by thanks to we use special matrix of several reflections for which update operation effectively combine computations with memory operations.


Bryansk State Technical University

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