Mathematical model of intelligent support system for management decision-making in power systems


Zhadaev Dmitriy1


1. Shevchenko Transdnistrian State Technical University


The article considers the problem of taking into account the information uncertainty for building knowledge bases in decision support systems for the operational management of the electric power system modes on the example of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic power system. As part of the study, the categorical method “Universal Interaction Scheme” is used, because it allows building a conceptual model of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic power systems necessary for the further development of a mathematical model. To create a mathematical model of an intelligent management decision support system in power systems, the Decision-Support System knowledge base method based on fuzzy logic is used. It is substantiated that formulating the control logic is carried out mainly at the level of qualitative representations and concepts. The latter can be formalised in terms of logical-linguistic models, which should be considered from the viewpoint of the theory of fuzzy sets and linguistic variables. The analysis of existing approaches to representing and processing fuzzy knowledge about the power system management is carried out. An approach to demonstrating the incorporation of various forms of professional ontology representation based on fuzzy logic is substantiated. The research methods involve using the apparatus of fuzzy logic, formal languages, the theory of artificial intelligence systems and decision support systems.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Medicine

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