Studying the Linearity of Human Color Perception in the Graphical Interface of Control Systems


Borevich Ekaterina1,Yanchus Viktor2,Heyfic Antonina2


1. Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

2. Sankt-Peterburgskiy Politehnicheskiy universitet Petra Velikogo


The work is aimed at studying the process of human perception of visual information in conditions of interaction with a certain interface. The authors describe experimental research of the linearity of human colour perception in the graphical interface of control systems when observing colour pictograms in a conditional interface. To analyze the mechanism operation of the visual information perception, an information model of visual perception is used. Features of human perception of visual information can be of both an individual nature associated with a specific individual, and an external nature associated with the systemic interference of the operator’s direct interaction with the interface. The paper defines the factors of the study and describes the methodology for preparing stimulus material using the Processing programming language. As a tool for conducting the experiment, a software and hardware complex recording oculomotor activity Eye-tracker SMI RED 250 is used. The importance of creating effective user interfaces for control systems of complex objects and insufficient study of adapting interfaces to the features of human perception of visual information at the perceptual level of awareness determine the relevance of the study. The means of mathematical statistics process the obtained parametric data of the template for examining the stimulus material. The results got in the experiment allow concluding that the mechanism of human visual information perception, when the colour spot brightness decreases, remains sensitive to yellow colour the longest.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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