
Khristoforov Evgeniy1,Sakovich Nataliya1,Kuznecov Aleksandr2


1. Bryansk State Agricultural University

2. Bryanskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet


Work purpose: the investigation of transport process safety in construction industry of the Bryansk region, the substantiation of reasons, factors and circumstances of accidents in the construction companies of the region, the substantiation of the impact of hydraulic drive unit failures upon safety of transport construction machinery with the hydraulic drive with the purpose of driver safety. Investigation problem: on the basis of the obtained results of the safety investigations of transport processes, reasons defined, revealed injury factors of drivers during the operation of the load flat car hydraulic drive of transport means to develop motion parameters of the “hydraulic drive-load flat car” system which will not allow arising oscillations of the system resulting in hydraulic drive failure arising which has influence upon driver’s work safety. The investigations were carried out on the basis of a system analysis of accident examinations in the regional construction industry which on the basis of statistical data allows the defining safety state of transport construction machinery. By means of investigations it is defined that 90% of transport construction machines are equipped with a hydraulic drive. In the hydraulic drive the most significant element is a hydraulic cylinder – the most loaded element performing all basic operations of a working process of loading and unloading. In the hydraulic drive there is used a telescopic hydraulic cylinder in which during operation there are revealed design-production defects (DPD) which result in injury of machine service personnel. One of DPD manifestations is oscillation formation in the hydraulic drive which results in the destruction of hydraulic cylinder attachment fitting. It is defined that the support of hydraulic drive reliability and safety is a difficult problem which needs a complex solution still at designing and creation, and during the operation. The complexity of the problem causes the necessity of design and operation parameter optimization, in the first place, that of an executing hydraulic cylinder of the hydraulic drive with the use of mathematical modeling. The review of the mathematical modeling methods of hydraulic cylinder parameters allows drawing the conclusion that the existing methods have many assumptions and do not allow creating completely reliable and safe transport construction engineering. The investigation novelty consists in the offered procedure for the solution of motion equations of the “hydraulic drive – load flat car” system which allows calculating the motion system parameters, defining the development of system oscillation above critical able to destruct a fitting unit of the hydraulic cylinder to the load flat car. Conclusion. The algorithm offered for the solution of mathematical equations allows making a conclusion on the stability and safety of the “hydraulic cylinder – load flat car” system, finding optimum values of motion parameters at any time moment of a transitional process.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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