
Mokrickiy Bori1,Morozova Anna2,Vereschagin Vladislav3


1. Komsomolsk-upon Amur State University

2. Bryansk State Technical University

3. Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet


The investigation purpose: the effectiveness increase of hard-alloy end milling cutters at the expense of new milling cutter design development conventionally called compound milling cutters. The problem solved during investigation: the reveal of the most efficient fields of compound milling cutter use. The scientific novelty of the work: the formation of a new kind of hard-alloy end milling cutter design, to avoid milling cutter destruction in the place of shank end mounting in the chuck of the machine a shank end is made of structural steel and soldered with a hard-alloy cutting part of the milling cutter. As a result of the investigation it was defined: a) compound milling cutters compete with monolithic milling cutters in accuracy during billet production of parts at a lower cost of milling cutters; b) a compound milling cutter with a diameter of 16 mm and a milling cutter length of 92 mm substitute successfully a monolithic milling cutter by production accuracy and ensures cost reduction of a product by 4%; c) a compound milling cutter with a length of 220 mm as compared with a monolithic milling cutter ensures product cost reduction by 38% and applicable for general aims at engineering enterprises.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference20 articles.

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