
Logvin Vladimir1,Karlova Tatyana2


1. Belorussko-Rossiyskiy universitet

2. Institute for design-technological Informatics of the RAS


The work purpose is to increase effectiveness and quality of engineering process control of tool working in a plasma-generator of a glow discharge based on a neuronet approach. Investigation methods: use of computer technologies based on an artificial neuronet system for the creation of control systems as an investigation method consisting in computer imitation of the process of plasma-generator operation at separate stages of processing. It will allow developing an optimum system for quality control and management of engineering processes performed for tool working in the plasma-generator of a glow discharge. The essence of the modeling method when using an artificial neuronet approach consists in the development of such algorithms and programs which imitate the behavior of the plasma-generator, its properties and characteristics in the composition essential for investigations, volume and field of technical parameter changes. Investigation results: the operation sequence of the engineering process for product working in the plasma-generator of a glow discharge ensures the formation of the specified structure and micro-hardness on the surface of products worked. A considerable impact upon working quality is made by the structure of technological gas environment and a rate of its pumping at constant pressure in a vacuum chamber for the formation of the essential flux of bombarding ions with the specified value of kinetic energy before a hit on a surface. During the development of working stage sequence there is taken into account a state and magnitude of the defected layer formed at the stages of previous working and ageing. The effectiveness of force impact is defined with the stability of current strength in the discharge and electrode voltage in the plasma-generator of a glow discharge. The fluctuations of current strength and voltage at discharge burning depends upon the stability of structure, pressure and a pumping rate of technological gas environment through a working volume of the plasma-generator.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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