
Sekisov Aleksandr1,Serga Georgiy2


1. Kuban State Technological University State Technological University

2. Trubilin State Agricultural University of Kuban


The results of a long-term scientific work in the field of the creation of machines, plants, devices for machinery finishing for the creation of innovation equipment based on screw rotors are shown. There are presented standard structures of machines ensuring machining a wide range of parts of engineering enterprises. There are formulated basic recommendations for a choice of machining operation environment as such one can use abrasives and non-abrasives of different granulation. These recommendations take into account material, mass, rigidity of the parts worked and a grade of screw rotors. There is shown an example of calculation and an experience of designing a plant for parts continuous grinding-finishing on the basis of a screw rotor of the IIId grade. Working drawings and technologies for manufacturing operation units of these machines and plants are offered.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference17 articles.

1. Серга Г.В., Лебедев В.А. Внедрение идеологии Л. Н. Кошкина в виброупрочняющей технологии на примере винтовых роторов // Вестник РГТУ им. П. А. Соловьева, 2017. №2 (41). С. 126–132., Serga G.V., Lebedev V.A. Vnedrenie ideologii L. N. Koshkina v vibrouprochnyayuschey tehnologii na primere vintovyh rotorov // Vestnik RGTU im. P. A. Solov'eva, 2017. №2 (41). S. 126–132.

2. Lebedev V.A., Serga G.V., Khandozhko A.V. Increase of efficiency of finishing-cleaning and hardening procession of details based on rotor-screw technological systems // MEACS, 2017 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 327 doi: 10.1088/1775-899X/327/4/042062., Lebedev V.A., Serga G.V., Khandozhko A.V. Increase of efficiency of finishing-cleaning and hardening procession of details based on rotor-screw technological systems // MEACS, 2017 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 327 doi: 10.1088/1775-899X/327/4/042062.

3. Lebedev V.A., Serga G.V., Davydova I.V., Atoyan T.A., Koshlyakova I.G., Gordienko A.V. Method for calculating the power of a rotor-screw machines // MATEC Web of Conferences 226.01007(2018): /10.105/matecconf/201822601007 DTS-2018., Lebedev V.A., Serga G.V., Davydova I.V., Atoyan T.A., Koshlyakova I.G., Gordienko A.V. Method for calculating the power of a rotor-screw machines // MATEC Web of Conferences 226.01007(2018): /10.105/matecconf/201822601007 DTS-2018.

4. Lebedev V.A., Serga G.V., Davydova I.V., Atoyan T.A., Koshlyakova I.G., Gordienko A.V. Main trends in intensification of rotor-screw procession of parts // MATEC Web of Conferences226.01008(2018): /10.105/matecconf/201822601008 DTS-2018., Lebedev V.A., Serga G.V., Davydova I.V., Atoyan T.A., Koshlyakova I.G., Gordienko A.V. Main trends in intensification of rotor-screw procession of parts // MATEC Web of Conferences226.01008(2018): /10.105/matecconf/201822601008 DTS-2018.

5. Sekisov A., Serga G. Rotory-screw systems for rotary Kilns // E3S Web of Conferences 91. 02034(2019): /10.105/e3sconf/20199102034 TRACEE-2018., Sekisov A., Serga G. Rotory-screw systems for rotary Kilns // E3S Web of Conferences 91. 02034(2019): /10.105/e3sconf/20199102034 TRACEE-2018.







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