
Obozov Aleksandr1,Novikov Ruslan1,Grishanov Pavel2


1. Bryanskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet

2. Bryansk State Technical University


The study objective is modeling hydro-dynamic processes occurring in an electro-magnetic diesel fuel injector using AVL Boost Hydsim software package (SP). The task to which the paper is devoted is the design of equipment for Common Rail battery injection and fuel atomization systems; description of methods for developing battery fuel systems using Hydsim SP. Research methods: numerical simulation of fuel supply based on hydrodynamic dependencies describing the compressible viscous fluid motion in Hydsim software environment. Novelty of the work: due to constant tightening of environmental, technical and economic requirements for diesel internal combustion engines (ICE), which directly depend on the perfection of the fuel supply system, there is a need for software that allows engineers to design the appropriate fuel equipment. It is also important to have an effective and comprehensive methodology for working with such software solutions. Research results: a model of an electromagnetic fuel injector of a diesel engine is developed, a brief description is given of the methodology for constructing a hydraulic model of the nozzle (in a two-dimensional problem statement) and an analysis of the simulation results obtained. Conclusions: AVL Boost Hydsim SP has a number of advantages over its competitors, which can significantly reduce the time spent on the design and implementation of modern fuel equipment, opportunities for dynamic analysis of hydraulic and hydromechanical engine systems appear.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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