
Abzhaev Marat1


1. Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University


When developing new methods to make hardening coatings on the cutting tool surfaces of tilling machines, the main characteristic parameter determining the ability to serve for a long time, resisting external environmental influences and mechanical wear, is wear resistance. At the same time, this parameter should be determined before life tests in the field. Various stands and installations are available for this purpose. Each of them is characterized by their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, based on the specific production conditions, new devices are being developed. In this paper, a rotary-table installation of a specific design is developed for life tests of abrasive wear of various parts. A patent is obtained for it. The differences of this installation from existing analogues are the following: 1 – the pressure of the abrasive material layer on the test sample is regulated by deepening the sample into the abrasive medium; 2 - the test sample is under constant influence of the abrasive material by filling it with the required amount of abrasive materials; 3 – higher efficiency of the installation. This is achieved due to lower power consumption in the absence of friction forces between the sample bracket and the abrasive material. Comparative life tests were carried out for two harrow teeth, the original tooth and the hardened one. The harrow teeth were tested on a simplified model of a developed installation. An experimental inverter vibration control unit of Kazan Federal University was used for treatment. Hardening was performed with a multi-rod electrode at an arc current of 60A. The frequency of the electrode vibration is 100 Hz. Tests show that the service life of hardened harrow teeth when treated by a vibrating arc with a multi-rod electrode is about 5-6 times higher than the service life of factory harrow teeth.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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