
Skachkov Aleksandr1,Trifonov Valery2,Samoshkin Sergey3


1. Close Corporation, Scientific Company “Tver Institute of Car Building”

2. Scientific Organization "Tver Institute of Carriage Engineering"

3. PC “Scientific Organization “Tver Institute of Car Building”


The issues of increasing the passenger comfort level during railway transportation are considered. It is found out that the key factors for the comfort level are vertical vibrations of the body, and their intensity directly depends on the body bending stiffness. In turn, the first frequency and form of bending vibrations of the body can be taken as a criterion for evaluating bending stiffness. Design concepts aimed at increasing the comfort level of passengers and reducing the intensity of vibrations of car bodies are considered. Methods are analyzed that give the opportunity to increase the intrinsic frequency of the body bending vibrations by strengthening the metal structure of the body and making changes to the structure of its power frame, as well as by introducing specific inter-car connections. Methods of vibration isolation of the car bodies are reviewed by controlling damping in the car suspension system, as well as by reducing vibrations associated with the imbalance of wheel pairs. The experience of increasing the level of the com-fort due to the introduction of additional damping and the use of dynamic vibration damping systems has been studied. Advantages and disadvantages of the considered technical solutions are identified, as well as the experience of their use in real operation is evaluated. The analysis of the problem under consideration concerning engineering solutions for reducing bending vibrations of passenger car bodies shows the complexity of solving this problem, requiring the use of a set of theoretical and experimental studies, the choice of methods that take into account the features of the car designs and sources of vibration stimulation.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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