Machining impact upon fatigue strength of engineering parts made of dispersion-strengthened composites


Нотин Илья1,Notin Ilya2,Киселев И.1,Kiselyov I.2,Синавчиан С.1,Sinavchian C.2


1. Московский государственный технический университет имени Н.Э. Баумана

2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


An impact of a machining method upon life of engineering parts made of dispersion-strengthened polymeric composites is analyzed. Comparative tests for cyclic strength of samples obtained in a common way of milling with a diamond tool and with the use of hydro-jet cutting (HJC) were carried out. The tests were based upon the assessment of the cycle amount before decomposition and an amplitude-frequency characteristic drift of a sample at vibration impact at its resonance frequency. The HJC outlook as an alternative of common machining methods of dispersion-strengthened polymeric composites (DSPC) is confirmed.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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