Quality assessment technology of operating tool with hardened working part


Мартынов Владимир1,Martynov Vladimir2,Плешакова Екатерина1,Pleshakova Ekaterina2


1. Саратовский государственный технический университет имени Гагарина Ю. А.

2. Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


The paper reports the technology allowing the assessment of the operation process of a cutter of which an operation part is hardened by the impact of low-temperature plasma with the combined category. A basis for the assessment makes a modeling of a tool operation process allowing the formation of a change path of its state through defect parameters formed on the hardened working part and a design circuit of its self-organization. On the basis of modeling results there is defined an index characterizing the time of tool steady operation. An experimental test of technology is carried out which has shown that it allows obtaining information on basic regularities and reasons of changes in the state of the hardened tool, carrying out the search of directions to increase its operational reliability and estimating the increase quantitatively.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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1. Operation optimization technology of cutter with strengthened working area;Science intensive technologies in mechanical engineering;2019-05-19








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