
Кожевников Алексей1,Kozhevnikov Aleksey2


1. филиала РГУПС в г. Воронеже

2. filiala RGUPS v g. Voronezhe


The application of the systems of residual classes (SRC) allows carrying out arithmetic operations of addition and multiplication more efficiently which are basic in DSP at the expense of small digit capacity of deductions. An additional growth of an operating speed gives a transition from a digital processing to a tone one, that is, to number encoding in the SRC by discrete phases of tone signals of one frequency. The application of an instrumentation framework on the superconductor basis shows an outlook of the special processor formation on the basis of principles marked earlier with the productivity of a subtherahertz order. If a mathematical expression for a signal processing is rigidly specified and contains a constant k which does not need to vary, then in the special processor structure a tone multiplication of a number by a constant through a module may be carried out as a serial addition of an operand with itself. If a special processor work needs sometimes a program reconstruction of system constant parameters, then it is possible to carry out on the basis of other multiplication device by a constant. A tone multiplication of two numbers by a module is formed through a simplest algorithm consisting in a serial addi-tion through a module of the first operand with itself and a choice of the result required through the second operand. The multiplication fulfillment through a mod-ule in a tone form in different versions is possible that enables unique possibilities of signal processing on the basis of the wellknown DSP methods with an operation speed which is a record for these algorithms.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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